We have a series of exciting events coming up where you can find out more about what Street Pastors do and be one of the first to hear tracks from our new CD “Perfect Sense of Worship”.
We now have fifty Street Pastors and many more people support us in a whole range of ways. Come and find out why.
You can hear about what a Street Pastor does, how they are trained and the difference it makes to our streets having Street Pastors out and about. We’ll update you on progress so far with expanding the scheme from Ryde into Newport and recently Ventnor. There will be information on what’s next for Isle of Wight Street Pastors, and we’ll set out how you could be involved, from becoming a Street Pastor or prayer pastor to becoming one of our regular financial supporters.
We’ll have live music with Street Pastor co-ordinator David Ouston playing tracks from the new album “Perfect Sense of Worship” and you can be among the very first to buy the new CD which will (hopefully!!) arrive just days before the first event. David will also explain why he wrote the songs and how he has been inspired by the people he has met on the streets of the Isle of Wight. All income from the sale of CDs will go towards the work of Isle of Wight Street Pastors.
Whatever your interests in Street Pastors these should be great evenings, so whether you already know you want to apply to be a Street Pastor or you’d just like to find out what Street Pastors is all about, come along to:
Castlehold Baptist Church, Newport – Sunday 6th November 2012 (map)
The Apex Church, Cowes – Sunday 13th November 2011 (map)
St John’s Church, Ryde – Sunday 20th November 2011 (map)
St Catherine’s Church, Ventnor – Sunday 27th November 2011 (map)