The 18th Brighstone Christmas Tree Festival
Thursday 11th – Sunday 14th December
Do go and see all the beautiful trees including ours.
Ventnor Christmas Fare
Saturday 13th December.
Street Pastor Ivan Rendell is taking part as The Grinch. We will have collection buckets 10:00 am – 13:00 pm and 13:00 pm -16:00 pm at the local Co -op.
Castlehold Baptist Church, Newport
Casttlehold are having a street, school and prayer pastor light the advent candle with a child each week . This is raising the profile with stories shared of the work in the sermon. Christmas day collection will go to the Charity.
Bring & Buy Sale
14th January from 10am
School Pastor Zeta Bishop is organising a Bring & Buy Coffee Morning at Bembridge Village Hall from 10 am on 14 Th January.